Happy Halloween! I couldn't miss the opportunity to bring up one of my favorite holidays. Halloween is one of those words that immediately conjures up a blend of excitement and nostalgia. When I think of Halloween, memories of years past and ideas for upcoming ones come to mind.

It makes me think - what's in a word? A word's connotation - the associations and emotions that a word carries beyond its literal definition - play a big role in the symbolism we tie to them. In branding, the words a brand chooses create an atmosphere, an expectation, and, most importantly, a connection.

Halloween is all about storytelling and expressing different sides of ourselves. Brands can take a cue from this by paying attention to the tone and style of the language they use. Just like a well-thought-out Halloween costume, a brand’s language helps it “dress up” to connect with its audience. For example, Apple consistently uses terms like “innovative” and “cutting-edge” while Nike focuses on words like “strength” and “determination.” They’re not just describing their products—they’re creating identities that people connect with.

Connotation is powerful because it taps into our instinctive reactions. The words a brand chooses build up associations over time, and these become part of the brand’s identity. This is why brand voice—the tone and language a brand consistently uses—is so important. Just like Halloween brings to mind its own unique vocabulary, brands can cultivate a “vibe” through the words they choose. When a brand uses warm, approachable words, it starts to feel like a “friendly” brand. If the tone is bold and assertive, it creates a more competitive image.

Ultimately, Halloween reminds us that the simplest words can carry deep meaning and create an entire world of associations. Just as we anticipate the mystery and fun associated with Halloween each year, we develop expectations around brands based on the language they use.

Gary Kayye💜 CTS

UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media